Despre Supervizarea in Coaching in Romania - About Coaching Supervision in Romania
Stadiul supervizarii in Romania - Supervisory status in Romania

Despre Supervizarea in Coaching in Romania - About Coaching Supervision in Romania

Avem o ocazie speciala in care pe langa EMCC, ICF Romania si alte comunitati de coaching, sau profesionisti din coaching neafiliati au contribuit prin raspunsurile la un scurt chestionar despre cum se vede #supervizarea in #coaching, #mentoring, #teamcoaching si pentru supervizori.
Grupul de lucru din cadrul EMCC Romania, coordonat de @Liliana Urziceanu, @Madalina Radulescu si @Cristina Mühl ii au ca invitati ca comenteze pe marginea raspunsurilor stranse la chestionar pe: @Daiana Stoicescu si @Simona Gherasim, membre @ICF Romania, si pe @Raluca Mohanu si @Alina Avarvarei din @EMCC Romania.
Pornind de la o initiativa interna, ne-am decis sa extindem chestionarul catre cati mai multi colegi de breasla din Romania, fara sa avem pretentia unei cercetari riguroase, si constienti de lipsa de obisnuinta de a raspunde la acest tip de solicitari (o cercetare internationala recenta despre supervizare avea doar patru raspunsuri din Romania). Daca initial efortul intern a generat o rata de raspuns de 40% a fost interesant sa constatam ca majoritatea celor care au raspuns au fost din afara asociatiilor, inclusiv alte organizatii fiind nominalizate.


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We have a special opportunity where besides EMCC, ICF Romania and other coaching communities, or unaffiliated coaching professionals all contributed, by responding to a short questionnaire, about how to see #supervision in #coaching, #mentoring, #teamcoaching for supervisors.

The working group of EMCC Romania, coordinated by @Liliana Urziceanu, @Madalina Radulescu and @Cristina Mühl have as guests comment on the answers gathered to the questionnaire on: @Daiana Stoicescu and @Simona Gherasim, members @ICF Romania, and @Raluca Mohanu and @Alina Avarvarei from @EMCC Romania.

Starting from an internal initiative, we decided to extend the questionnaire to as many colleagues in Romania as possible, without having the pretence of rigorous research, and aware of a lack of habit of responding to this type of requests (recent international research on supervision had only four answers from Romania). If initially, the internal effort generated a response rate of 40% it was interesting to find that most of those who responded were from outside associations, including other organizations being nominated.

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Dates and Costs
From Nov 13, 2022 to Sep 13, 2023

17:00 - 18:30 CET




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